5 Best New Formations In Madden 24 5 Best New Formations In Madden 24

5 Best New Formations In Madden 24

Aug 15, 2023 Source: UTNICE More News

In Madden 24, EA added over 70 new offensive formations in the game. Here, we’re going to rank the best five and which has the best version of that formation.

This will also involve the selection of playbooks, so you'd better prepare enough MUT 24 Coins.

Top 5 New Formations In Madden 24

5. Singleback Tight Y Off Flex

At number five, we’re going to look at an Under Center formation called Singleback Tight Y Off Flex.

The formation is best in the Rams Playbook, as it has a couple exclusive passing plays that make it special. However, the strength of this formation is the variety of run plays as it has the 0 1 Trap, Wide Zone, HB Zone Wk, Counter Y and even a Jet Sweep.

Now, the two exclusive plays are passing plays that might look familiar as they’re actually duplicated from its Shotgun counterpart and are called the Smash Hammer and the Rams Pivot Dig.

Although this formation will be a run first type of offense, when you add these two passing plays in with the others, it’s certainly going to help you be more balanced and force your opponent to have to defend both the run in the past. That is going to make this formation really tough to defend and why it makes the number five on our list.

4. Gun Bunch X Nasty

Next on the list at number four is the Gun Bunch X Nasty out of the 49ers and Texans Playbook.

We could have easily selected the Chiefs to Commander’s Playbook for the selection, as they have four exclusive plays not found in any other playbook.

However, the 49ers and Texans also have four exclusive plays and they have a bonus fifth play that does not exist in the Chiefs and Commanders’. And that’s why we gave it the not. These plays include the Choice Shallow Dig, Drive Y Corner, Z Spot, Smash Return, and Dig Return.

This formation has a lot of great stock routes that will stress the defense to the sidelines as well as the middle of the field. It has several unique style corners that will attack at different depths, which is always a great way to attack multiple levels of zones along the sidelines.

Lastly, the Z Spot does a great job of attacking the middle of the field while staying underneath the safeties. This is going to be a great route to build an offense around.

When combining all these plays together, you’re going to see that you have a great opportunity of stretching the field both horizontally and vertically, making it very tough for your Defenders to cover. And that’s why this made our number four on the list.

3. Gun Bunch Str Nasty

Now, let’s look at number three on our list by formation Gun Bunch Str Nasty.

This will be the best in the Chiefs and Commander’s Playbook, as it has two exclusive plays in the PA Double Post and the PA Corner. These plays set it apart from other formations, as you have the ability to have some better stock routes to build around. This route from the PA Corner and the two different style posts from PA Double Post are really tough routes. They’re going to be able to open up this offense.

This formation also has some unique run plays that feature a Toss Play and RPO Zone Read Bubble where you can hand it off, keep it with the quarterback or throw a bubble pass.

Another positive to this formation is that each of the bunch wide receivers have a stock corner route that breaks at different gifts, which will help with flooding zones and beating Man Coverage. Just like a lot of other Bunch formations, the ability to build around certain routes and stress the defense that cover those really opens up the whole offence.

This formation is no different and why we have this ranked as high as number three.

2. Gun Tight Open

Now, this brings us to number two in the Gun Tight Open formation. To no surprise, the Chiefs and Commanders’ Playbook has the best version of it. Other playbooks only have nine plays while this playbook actually has 15, with seven of them being exclusive, where they’re only found in these two.

The best place you want to look at is the Slot Post, the Z Spot Dig, Shallow Corner Stop , Post Corner Drive, and then there’s two different run plays where there’s the Read Option and Speed Option place. Then, if you have a mobile quarterback and want him to get involved with his legs, these are great options for you.

Now, this formation in itself is really unique as it has the feel of a Gun Tight type of formation, but the Wide Receiver splits are a little more wide. This is going to help you with consistency of routes to get more of a clean release, as all the receiving threats will line up outside of the defensive line or outside linebacker positions.

Now, the place Slot Posts, which is only found in this playbook is going to be a great base play to build around as it has a stop post that get underneath the safeties as well as other routes that make it a quick adjustment, type of setup, and be able to hike it really quickly before the defense is able to set up.

On first glance, this formation appears to be a little weak in its ability to pick up pressure. However, you take the Tight End and motion him across the formation and hike it when he reaches the other side, he will turn himself into a blocker and allow you to have a mass protection capability anytime you want with a Titan on one side and the Running Back on the other.

We feel this formation is going to be something that a lot of people are going to like and use in Madden 24. You should definitely check it out yourself.

1. Gun Bunch Str Offset

Now, number one, we have chosen the Gun Bunch Str Offset formation at the New York Jets Playbook.

This formation gets the top spot because not only will be good as a standalone scheme. But when it’s paired up with all the other formations in this playbook, it’s going to be even tougher to stop.

This formation has a lot of unique plays that you can have a lot of success with and we’re going to highlight what are some of their strengths are. The Flood play has a really Deep Corner route by the Tight End and a nice Fade route by the outside bunch of Wide Receiver that’s going to attack zones really well.

The depth of that Tight Ends route is going to get over pretty much every single zone drop that they can set and it’s going to be a headache for them to stop.

Now, the Corner Strike play is going to have a shorter corner route. But because it’s run by the outside Wide Rreceiver, it does a great job of attacking quickly and really puts a lot of stress on the defense.

Now why Trail is one of the best stock plays in the game as it has a quick hike ability with the Titan on the Trail and a post and corner already built into the play. You’ll be able to go ahead to that via scammer, hike it right away or just do one hot route and change up the way you’re running it and have a lot of success.

With Slant Spacing, the outside player has a really nice speed out a route that’s going to be able to give you some really quick hitters. And the Durham has double wheels that stress the defense on quick throws either early or later as they develop.

Not only do the Pass place could be very tough to stop you’re gonna be able to add in a Crab Toss play and an RPO in the Run Game where this formation is going to be something that you’re going to see used a lot in Madden 24 and why we put it as the number one new formation added.

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