How To Quickly Get Started In College Football 25? - Strategies & Tips How To Quickly Get Started In College Football 25? - Strategies & Tips

How To Quickly Get Started In College Football 25? - Strategies & Tips

Jul 22, 2024 Source: UTNICE More News

A big thing happened recently, the highly anticipated College Football 25 was released. The release of this game means that we finally ushered in a new college football video game after eleven years.

If you are a football video game junkie, you should have bought this game during pre-sale. Many people were guessed by me. Of course, I have also played it for a long time, so I will share the tips of this game.

How To Quickly Get Started In College Football 25? - Strategies & Tips

These tips are not difficult to understand. The purpose of sharing them is to improve our gaming experience and to prepare for getting College Football 25 Coins. In general, it is a sure thing.

Try Different Passing Settings

The existence of Revamped Passing system gives us many passing options. This system is default option at the beginning, and you can modify it according to your habits. For example, I modified this default option. Because I am also a Madden player, NFL game introduced Placement And Accuracy last year.

The official explanation of this setting is “Using the timer, we can control the position and power of the pass, and visually achieve perfect passing accuracy.” This explanation actually means that this is a timing method, but it also allows you to hold down the left trigger when throwing the ball, so that you can throw more balls.

Next to default settings is Pass Lead Increase setting, which allows you to determine how far the pass lead moves. You can set this to your needs. I set it to medium, but if this is your first time playing this game, I recommend setting it to the minimum to eliminate user errors.

You can try the new system, but I didn’t notice any changes after using it for a few days. I prefer Placement And Accuracy system because I can place my passes as I like. It’s up to you to change the settings, and the best settings for you are the best. A suitable setting can help you get a better experience.

Disguise Coverages

College Football 25 Game Scenes

New this year, we can disguise coverages with the click of a button. This feature is very useful if you want to play with friends on the couch or online.

When your defense is broken, you can adjust your safety to your preferred settings. For example, when it is your turn, you can disguise your defense as a one-high safety Cover 3 or Cover 1 look.

Of course, this also has its disadvantages. For example, if you run Cover 2 and disguise it as Cover 3, and someone throws a streak to the sideline, the safety will lose his position and big play will be lost.

Actually, I don’t like this mechanic. I think it’s better to adjust the defense yourself or just keep it as it is. Because usually, your opponent is very smart. If you give up touchdown, it means you must be hiding something, and everyone will guess it, which loses its original meaning.

Kicking Is Harder Than Ever

When I first started playing, I found that this game has a new kicking meter. I don’t know if you have played Madden, but it’s so easy to kick the ball in this game. It’s no exaggeration to say that you can even kick the ball in with your eyes closed.

But in CFB 25, a two-click process is used. To improve the accuracy of the goal, keep the moving line as close to the middle as possible, try to stay still when power meter rises, and try to avoid touching the top of the red horizontal bar. Too much power will affect your accuracy. If you are deep field goal, you can touch it.

But no matter how perfect your shot timing is, playing on the road becomes more difficult, especially when you are in the most difficult stadium to score. Although scoring is difficult, it is not impossible. It just requires more patience and practice.

Simplify Your Strategy

After being able to play game, the first thing I did was to return to our alma mater to start a new dynasty. I played at Heisman difficulty. In the first three games, two of them were road games against Penn State and Texas A&M, which was like a warning.

In road games, your game strategy will not always correspond to the situation on the court accurately. If you want to check game situation during the game, the character will always shake. If you set up a lot of hot routes on the court like me, we still can’t get the players to run the right route.

For example, when I played against Penn State, I lost the game because my running back ran the wrong route and I got sacked on fourth down. Now that scoring has become difficult, the best way is to make things easier.

When I played against Texas A&M, I won easily. Because I focused on running the ball to control the time, and if I wanted to pass the ball, I kept route combos simple.

Wait To Sprint

If you haven’t played football game for a long time. You have to remember one thing, after running back gets the ball, don’t use a sprint with the right trigger. After we get the ball, we should run into the backcourt quickly, find our goal and hit it, and then we press the right trigger to get away.

These are some strategies and tips for the game that I think are currently, I hope it can help you.

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